Bodenstein S.H.E. Systems

Our S.H.E programme is worth GOLD to your company

Company Information

Dear Customer

In these times PRODUCTION and SALES are of essence for any Company and additional responsibility may be a burden. It is for this reason that I address this letter to you.

Let us assist you in ensuring that the requirements of the OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH and SAFETY ACT No. 85 of 1993 are adhered to. You may ask what the requirements are for a business.

1. Responsible people appointed in writing.
2. A working enviroment that is safe and without risks to employees.
3. Taking steps to eliminate or mitigate any hazard or potential hazard attached to any work performed.
4. Provide the necessary information, instructions, training and supervision to ensure the HEALTH and SAFETY at work of all employees.
5. Taking all necessary measures to ensure that the requirements of the Act are complied with by every person in the company.
6. Reporting to the Department of Labour certain incidents - and many more.

Let us do an assessment of risks in your workplace and ensure you have peace of mind

So why burden yourself with all these requirements if we can be of assistance?
Our company has many years of experience in the Health and Safety Field.
THIS IS OUR MOTTO: Having satisfied customers trusting in us to handle their Health and Safety programmes.
Allow us to Quote and you will definitely be surprised at our rates.



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